About Our School
Our Mission
At Leona Libby Middle School, we inspire our students to use their imagination, creativity, and perseverance to achieve their goals and aspire to shape our community through the power of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM).
Our Vision
By contributing to a greater community, we solve real world problems through a relevant, open, and integrated environment in which ideas and imagination are encouraged through the cycle of inquiry.
School-Wide Learner Outcomes
Upon transition/graduation from LMS, each student will represent a socially accepting and responsible person with a strong sense of self–– with goals to teach and inspire the same in others. LMS students will demonstrate a growth mindset that seeks to improve, explore, and share in self and community improvement through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. This includes an upper secondary readiness for the courses and extracurriculars of local high schools, including, but not limited to, DELTA, Hanford, Richland, Rivers Edge, and Health Sciences Academy. LMS students will produce innovative and researched projects, presentations, or performances that demonstrate a thorough understanding and ability to communicate content, evidence, and arguments as a group or as an individual. Finally, LMS students will be thoughtful in their involvement and service to the community that involves heart, mind, and character through their talent, skills, and communication developed at LMS.
District and School Report Card Information
Are you interested in knowing how your child's school did on state assessments? Visit the Washington State OSPI Report Card at: https://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us.
The Report Card contains valuable information about test results as well as other statistics about our schools. To find results for our district and your child's school, use the webpage drop-down menu to find Richland School District and press GO.